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Old 10-15-2013, 12:14 PM
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Kawika Kawika is offline
David McDonald
Join Date: May 2009
Location: British Siberia
Posts: 2,731

I keep track of auctions via an "Auction" email folder. There are thirty or so sub-folders, one for each AH I have ever dealt with (and there are an awful lot of them). I am alerted to upcoming auctions in any number of ways: receipt of a print catalog, email bombardment, heads-up posts at Net54, referral to the auction schedule at Old Cardboard, etc. By use of some file renaming tricks I sort auctions by their closing date. I also keep track of items won, date paid in the folder name as well as my user name and password (which I have painted out, you naughty boys). Kind of an anal system (you ought to see my eBay folder) but I tend not to miss auctions I don't want to miss and I have a pretty good "electronic trail" of correspondence, invoices etc.
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