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Old 09-23-2013, 09:27 PM
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Joe M.
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Originally Posted by tschock View Post

I do not know gumball machines from jukebox machines, but I can't believe this is 100% "original". I find it hard to imagine a 1940's gumball machine would be a 5 cent machine, unless the machine and/or decal was repurposed after the 1940s. I remember in the 1960s gumball machines being 1 cent machines, with the occasional jaw-breakers machines at 5 cent (would have the larger opening).

Another option is that this could have been an original peanut vending machine, which may have been a nickel. But not sure if the dispensing mechanisms were much different or interchangable. So it could be an original (non-gumball) dispenser. (you say tomAto, I say tomahto)

For what it's worth, assuming it's metal and glass, it's a cool piece and I would have bought it myself.

Again, not an expert but just my 2 cents.
Yes, pretty sure it is a peanut machine. The "Fresh" sign is the key.

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