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Old 09-09-2013, 04:43 PM
spacktrack spacktrack is offline
Brian Dwyer
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 295
Default REA Fall Auction

I saw this thread and want to first say that we appreciate the kind words and that people are looking forward to the fall auction (which, by the way, is intended to be smaller than the spring auction – we think it’s a great auction but we don’t want to disappoint anyone! – Instead of “six pounds,” think “two pounds”).

After seeing a few questions about how to get a catalog, I thought I should come on here and spell out how the catalog mailing works so that you can ensure you will receive a catalog if you want one.

If you’ve EVER placed a bid in an REA auction (whether it was a winning bid or not), you will receive a catalog!

If you registered as a new bidder any time after the May 2013 auction, you will automatically receive the fall catalog.

If you used the ‘Request a Catalog’ link within the last month, you will also, of course, receive a catalog.

If you don’t think you fit into any of these three categories, but you’ve received catalogs in the past, you’re welcome to e-mail us at to double check your status. If you’ve never signed up for a catalog but would like one, you can request one at We also encourage everyone to log in to their account and verify your mailing address within the next two weeks to ensure that catalogs are shipped to the right address. You can do this by going to, signing in to your account, clicking the Personal tab at the top of the page, and updating your information if necessary. If you forget either your bidder number or password, there is a retrieval process on the login page.

We mailed out approximately 10,000 catalogs for our spring auction, and we’re always interested in getting catalogs to all those who are interested in receiving them. For the fall auction, we will also be experimenting with providing an additional “page-turning virtual catalog” that many may find just as valuable as the printed catalog (and will be identical in design). If the “virtual catalog” is well received (and please note this is in addition to REA’s standard online auction bidding platform) we will provide this extra catalog format for future auctions as well. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at

Robert Edward Auctions
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