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Old 08-26-2013, 09:09 AM
travrosty travrosty is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 2,223

it's funny that the biggest problem people have is that its nash reporting and not the actual stories, because 99% of the complaining of hos has nothing to do with the actually articles and stories written. They don't like the reports so they shoot the messenger. If the reports are so objectionable then refute them. But people don't, they spend the time on Nash bash, it's so stupid. If SCB and Beckert did their job as hobby publications they would sometimes report on the hobby's shortcomings but they can't do that because of advertising and loyalties. they couldnt even kick off roach's corner off of their own ads for years but they are going to report on stolen hof and fake autographs, cards? there is no way. hos is filling a gap and some don't like it, but can't refute the material so they find others ways to divert so we get "let's tar and feather the guy who reports it. dumb. how about we help find the stolen material, keep them from being auctioned off and return them to the HOF and the New York and Boston PL system? Think that might work?
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