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Old 08-22-2013, 02:51 PM
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Originally Posted by barrysloate View Post
How does Probstein get these huge bumps in grades? We're not talking half a grade bump, but more like one and a half to two grades. And he gets them often.
It's no secret that those who submit often and in bulk ALLEGEDLY get preferential grades. It is, in essence, keeping the customer happy and good for the bottom line, which is what capitalism is all about.

That said, the line/scuff on the back certainly got worked on, albeit not very successfully. Also, it's impossible to tell if it's the card or just the scan, but the surface has definitely been "scrubbed". Look at the first scan at all of those tiny little red ink scuffs in the white area on the left side and how they're not there on the 8.5. I would assume because of the grade bump, that the alteration is to the card and not the scan, but like I said, impossible to tell without it in hand.
Plus the white dots on his right thigh and upper right glove have vanished.
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