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Old 07-29-2013, 12:18 PM
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Leon Leon is offline
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So the final totals are 158 confirmed RSVP for Dinner and another 23 for drinks only. Just about what was expected.

I am a stickler on wearing the name tags which will be filled out for you upon registration at the front door, by 2 of our members. This year there will be both your name and user id on the tags. If you are a guest then your name and "guest" will be on there. Please don't give the guys at the front door a hard time about the tags or anything else. I reserve the right to not allow anyone that acts like an a-hole. It's a fun event so let's keep it that way.

When the speakers are speaking you shouldn't be carrying on conversations at your table. It's rude. If you have to talk on the phone or have conversation while they are speaking just get up and go out in the hall. (or I will ask you to)
Drink tickets will be handed out upon arrival, at registration, with more at the event being freely given out. If you look underage you will be carded. You have to be 21 yrs of age to drink alcohol. Please don't drink and drive. If anyone needs a cab I will gladly get them one. See everyone at the Hyatt in a few days...
Leon Luckey
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