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Old 07-12-2013, 01:44 PM
shelly shelly is offline
Shelly Jaf.fe
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 2,253

Leon, I think that you underestimate the people on this site.We do care and I understand your wanting to help a friend.
I like most people on here are not looking at who is writeing the story vs is the story fact or fiction. Rob is no angle and he knows it. None of us are. I just feel there is a fourm for your thread and a forum for what he writes.
Yes Ken I do believe that they should be seperate. The conversation should be is what he writes true or not. There have been questionable people out there that have written very important things that turned out to be true.
Last time. He has a right to print what he believes is the truth and you have a right not to believe it bad guy or not.
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