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Old 07-06-2013, 08:57 AM
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brandoningram brandoningram is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 99

Wow...took me a while to get through all of that...
Alot of great concerns here, but I agree that this sounds more like a witch hunt.

Firstly my name is also Brandon and I reside in Ontario Canada. I have never met Grun face to face ( what with the thousands of kms between us ) but have spoken with him on the phone a few times and conversed through hundreds of emails and facebook. I consider him a friend whom I have never actually met. I also collect antique baseballs...when I can afford the ever growing prices...and Blue Jays memorabilia ( lol dont judge ).

Brandon is all about the hobby. Period. He ousts fake balls all of the time with the interest of protecting the hobby. He has accomplished more for the hobby in the last few years than anyone could have imagined, so some respect should be give to him is this respect...not to mention some praise.
He emails ebay all the time having balls removed due to inaccuracies or speculations... I bet he has helped most ball collectors even without their knowledge somewhere along the line. He has stopped me from bidding on balls and has helped me with tips bidding on balls through other certain auction sites.

When he said earlier that he doesnt/wont make alot of money on his me...he wont be. Ive spoken with him about this sort of thing. He is producing his book (s) for his extreme love for the actual history of baseballs.

I trust EVERYTHING Brandon has ever said to me about baseballs because he IS the expert on baseballs. Can anyone else say that? There is not a chance he would throw any of his success away for a Frick ball. None at all.
Brandon has given his explanation on this matter, so bashing him ( because that is what is occuring here ) doesnt help things. He has cleared up the mess on his end and Im sure will be more diligent in helping the hobby in finding more fraudulant baseballs...but remember here guys, he has a day job and cant sit on these auction sites all day long, so some are going to get by even his eye.
"Baseball was, is and always will be to me the best ballgame in the world"...BR
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