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Old 07-01-2013, 01:23 PM
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CarltonHendricks CarltonHendricks is offline
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Originally Posted by BrockJacob View Post
Initially thought it was broken off a trophy or something but after getting it in hand it feels much too heavy and appears to be solid bronze. Also nowhere on the bottom of the cleats that shows it was ever attached or detached to anything. Bat is missing, but again, no damage to the hand area that shows there was ever even a bat.
The figure definitely appears to be molded after a young Ruth. See the photo of Ruth on the cover of the sheet music from 1919 in the same pose.
So if anybody has seen this figure on a trophy or a statue or any other information it would be appreciated.
Thanks fellas.
Tell ya what...that's a pretty interesting little figural...first of all I don't recall ever seeing one before...and based on the photos it appears bronze....and that would be a game changer...Now our boy Mark Steinberg might pull one out of his hat but I can't think of a single period statue of Ruth...I mean produced when he was in his prime...or even alive...

Based on what I see by the photos I don't think that's a trophy top...It appears to be a statue of Ruth missing the base (and bat) for art my subjective opinion it's not fantastic...but not to bad...the movement...that is the action of the figure is ok not great, sort of trophy art quality...and it appears the person who sculpted it copied that photo of Ruth...Initially I thought the face is shaky as far as a depiction of Ruth but on second thought I think it's alright as the sculptor worked in an impressionistic style...I can't see the lines in the socks too well to know the quality of the definition but seems ok from what I can see...great patina...that is the finish and color...pretty much everything you'd ever want in a patina...overall...I'd say it's a real nice piece..The only thing is you say it appears to have never been mounted...that's the most puzzling thing about it...but it's not the first time I've seen that in a figural...I'm writing this as I wake up having my first coffee so can disavow any of it latter : -)
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