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Old 06-24-2013, 12:10 PM
ErikV ErikV is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 470
Default Re: National Locations Annnounced Through 2019

I'm going to chime in with my two cents.

I can recall attending the very First National at the Marroitt Hotel in
Los Angeles. It was a novel concept. The National not only allowed
dealers from across the country to meet annually, but the show
changed location each year to allow people from all areas of the
country to participate. Remember, there was no E-Bay, Internet or
the like, so to have the big show come to a city near you was a real

After the 2006 National left Anaheim, something happened. I do
recall reading how East Coast dealers complained about traveling
out West and that pretty much put an end to the West cost being
considered for future venues.

With the exception of Atlantic City in 2016 and Baltimore in 2012
and 2010 the National has settled for Chicago and Cleveland. I've
put together a list of all the Nationals from 1980-2019. See below:

Perhaps it it time for the powers to be to take a step back and refocus.
Who is their audience? What is their mission and how can they get
back to the concept of being a true "National" show for all areas of
the country to participate.


National Locations:

2019 Chicago
2018 Cleveland
2017 Chicago
2016 Atlantic City
2015 Chicago
2014 Cleveland
2013 Chicago
2012 Baltimore
2011 Chicago
2010 Baltimore
2009 Cleveland
2008 Chicago
2007 Cleveland
2006 Anaheim
2005 Chicago
2004 Cleveland
2003 Atlantic City
2002 Chicago
2001 Cleveland
2000 Anaheim
1999 Atlanta
1998 Chicago
1997 Cleveland
1996 Anaheim
1995 St Louis
1994 Houston
1993 Chicago
1992 Atlanta
1991 Anaheim
1990 Arlington
1989 Chicago
1988 Atlantic City
1987 San Francisco
1986 Arlington
1985 Anaheim
1984 Parsippany N.J.
1983 Chicago
1982 St Louis
1981 Detroit
1980 Los Angeles

12 Chicago
7 Cleveland
6 Anaheim/L.A.
3 Atlantic City
2 Arlington
2 Atlanta
2 Baltimore
2 St Louis
1 Detroit
1 Houston
1 Parsippany N.J.
1 San Francisco
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