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Old 06-18-2013, 11:00 PM
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Craig M Craig M is offline
Craig M
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 324

Chris...I knew that was coming after I read that comment. I don't think he meant any harm and was just funnin

As for Adrian, I gave you some excellent advice before and you did not accept it.

Please listen; some of your madness is self caused and for you to get better you must step away. Step away from the Internet! Turn it off and go take your dog for a walk, go jogging or just go to the gym.

By working out or even jogging, it has all sorts of benefits; clearing the mind is just one of them.

You basically are moving from one addiction to another like you did with coins. Cluttering your mind.

Why do your hobbies need to involve buying and selling?

This adds to more stress when you are trying to become less stressed.

Pick a hobby that doesn't involve buying and selling like painting. Some of the best artists in the world were mad. Painting will relax you and you will be amazed at your accomplishments.

You must get lots and lots of rest so that you can unclutter your mind.

Last edited by Craig M; 06-18-2013 at 11:03 PM.