Thread: June Pick-ups
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Old 06-13-2013, 05:19 AM
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Shawn England
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Dawsonville, Ga
Posts: 643

Originally Posted by Runscott View Post
Shawn, that's too bad your son lost his arrowhead, but now you can design a trip to a site where he's very likely to find one - perhaps it will be a more special find if you do it together.

Almost every piece I find is very special - the moment of discovery is always great - but the spearpoint (or knife blade) was cool because it was the first complete blade with really good detail. I was about halfway through a miserable desert run and was a bit dehydrated, so finding this piece made the rest of it almost pleasant. I wish I had my camera so that I could have gotten a shot of it in the dirt. The trip the next day was specifically to look for arrowheads, so we were ready - other than the small black one and a rough scraper, we only found pieces. The blade is in the center of the pic. The one to the left of it is also very cool - worked all the way around and it's been heated on the back (same design as piece at center bottom). The quartz tool is also one of my favorites - there is a lot of quartz in the area, but it must be hard to work - very few tools. I found all of these in wash areas over the last 4 weeks.

Nice haul! Its funny, but here in Georgia, quartz points are the most prominent... It's really special when you find a Flint / Chert point.

My wife & I used to live in Zion National park and while I did find a few points (in the park) it was the outlying areas (outside the park) that would really produce. We have a friend who lives in Kanab, Utah (where allot of the original Lone Ranger was filmed - I have even been to the spot where Silver & the Ranger ride up on the cliff "Hi-Ho, Silver! Away!") and he & I would load up. Tons of beautiful stuff on his land including pottery pieces. Plus my first obsidian point!

One of my most insane finds - you have probably been to an old mom & pop restaurant or an old country store and seen the displays of arrowheads glued to a piece of ply-wood, usually in some kind of crazy pattern... Well one day surveying in Tennessee I was walking down the road locating the edge of pavement when I came up on a piece of wood laying in the grass - looked like the backing out of a cheap picture frame probably 1' x 2' - well when I flipped it over, to my surprise it was covered in arrowheads, little tools and even human teeth! Some of the artifacts had fallen off so I spent a fair amount of time searching in the grass and found several more. Then I walked farther down the road and found two more boards!!!! I can only guess that some old man had them in a box in the back of his pick-up and they blew out while driving down the road?

Have you found any pottery pieces?

Last edited by smokelessjoe; 06-13-2013 at 05:21 AM.
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