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Old 06-12-2013, 02:11 PM
tedzan tedzan is offline
Ted Zanidakis
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Pennsylvania & Maine
Posts: 10,053
Default The T206 "Elite Eight" have become the "Elite Eleven"

A recent internet survey that has sampled 100,000+ T206 cards has revealed that the unique group of eight T206's that I have referred to as the "Elite Eight"
has 3 additional "cousins"....therefore, now we have the "Elite Eleven".

For you new guys on Net54 that are interested in such nitty-gritty regarding T206's, I will reprise the history of the "Elite Eleven" here............

Back in 2006, a number of us T206 "Nut-54er's" conducted numerous surveys on this forum. Sparked by Barry Arnold's famous EPDG thread, we had tons of fun.
One of these surveys focused on certain "150/350 series" cards. This particular survey resulted in sorting out 14 subjects from the then known 150/350 series.

1st.......initially we narrowed this group of 14 subjects to 7 of the 8 that are pictured in this 1st group of scans.....Dahlen, Ewing, Ganley, Tom Jones, Karger,
Lindaman, and Mullin (horiz.).....and, we included Lundgren (Cubs). These 8 guys barely qualify as 150/350 subjects, by virtue of the fact that they are very
rarely found with a PIEDMONT 350 back. No SOVEREIGN 350, SWEET CAPORAL 350, etc.. this process, we discovered Red Ames (hands at chest) and Larry Doyle (throwing) are 150-Only subjects. Previously, thought to have been 150/350

3rd.......Frank Schulte (front view) was originally considered in the surveys as part of this "Elite" group, not enough info was available then to include this card.
A unique sample of a PIEDMONT 350 Schulte has been confirmed (no EPDG yet); so, it has been included in this group in recently.

4th.......although, Schaefer and Spencer were originally considered in the surveys as belonging to this "Elite" group, these two subjects were uncertain back in
2006. Therefore, they were not included in the original "Elite" group.
My recollection is that Shaw was not considered.

What makes these 11 subjects quite unique is this.....the majority of the population of these 11 are found with 150 series backs (PIEDMONT, SOVEREIGN, and
SWEET CAPORAL). Also, very rarely with Brown HINDU (Karger & Mullin have yet to be confirmed with this back). Furthermore, the Bob Ewing, Tom Jones, and
Tubby Spencer cards are also found with the SWEET CAPORAL 150, Factory 649 (overprint) back.

Original "Elite Eight" subjects

Three additional subjects

Although Lundgren (Cubs) was not printed with HINDU, SOVEREIGN, nor SWEET CAPORAL....this card is very similar to the ELITE 11 with respect to
the initial 350 press runs of PIEDMONT 350 and EPDG.


__________________________________________________ _____________________
LOOKING FOR these T206 guys to complete my AMERICAN BEAUTY 460 sub-set

AMES....CAMNITZ....CRAWFORD (bat)....DOYLE (port)....JORDAN (bat)....McGRAW (port-cap)
McQUILLAN (bat)....TINKER (bat off)....WILTSE (port-cap)
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