Thread: June Pick-ups
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Old 06-12-2013, 04:57 AM
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Shawn England
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Dawsonville, Ga
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Originally Posted by Runscott View Post
This is literally a 'pick up'. I've been in Colorado for the last five weeks, running in the desert/mountains, and I've picked up a few arrowheads and Indian tools along the way. The other day I picked up a beautiful spear point right on the running trail, so started looking around and found a few other items. Took my brother with me the next day I found this tiny one inch long arrowhead, sitting in the dirt exactly as shown. Through a weird feature of my phone that I accidentally turned on, it took an 'inverse' pic an the same time, showing my brother and myself looking down at the find:

Beautiful find! This is another passion of mine, although I do not get to "hunt" as much as I used too... I used to be a Land Surveyor, but for me it was like getting paid to arrowhead hunt! So you can imagine I have quite a few. I really like the small bird points - the smaller the better - They are just so much harder to find. Its really sweet when the points are laying on top of the ground just screaming "pick me up!"

I've recently started taking my son (he is starting to figure out what exactly were looking for) and its been kinda dry... Well this past Monday I came home from work and my wife said "you better go see what your son has found" - so he comes running up and said "I found an arrowhead, a big one!" - Well lets see it? I followed him to the car and he searched & searched & I searched & searched to no avail... He was so disappointed, wife said it was a really nice one over two inches long and must have dropped it at one of the parking lots they were at during the day. Needless to say, he is now hooked - so perhaps it was not a bad thing he lost it

Would love to see a picture of the Spear Point you found...
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