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Old 06-04-2013, 08:36 AM
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Originally Posted by tiger8mush View Post
I'm amazed that this ringleader will openly talk about his fraudulent business for over 2 hours with someone he 1) doesn't know and 2) would likely help get him arrested.
Believe me guys, it's a bit surreal when talking to him. He is calculated and very good at what he does. He says he is in Mexico, 2000 miles from the border. I think there is a 50/50 chance of that. He uses a Magic Jack phone so it's not traceable. He uses a device (very common) which changes his IP address daily. He says he has never had a bank account nad has nothing in his name either. He is an identity thief and counterfeiter. He said he has hundreds of SSN's and other credit card and bank information on lots of people. He told me he does it because he has to support his lifestyle and can't make the kind of money he does, legally. One other board member has had similar conversations with him and he confirms the same things the scammer has been telling me. This scammer is the mastermind behind Edwin Arroyo, Den Prak (jailed) and some guy named Hernandez as well as others I am not familiar with. They are all in the San Diego area and close to the border. This same guy is the one who was on our board when I banned him, and was registered as John Perez....then he told me he was Den Prak, but Den was already in jail so that didn't work out for too long for him . I kept telling him he should use his smarts for good instead of bad but I don't think he cares or wants to. He is quite cordial on the phone.
Leon Luckey
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