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Old 05-22-2013, 12:21 PM
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Chris Browne
Join Date: Jul 2009
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I'm really not sure Ted. Our thoughts on sheet layouts differ, but after spending a lot of time breaking down the entire set into sheet mates & groupings based on the confirmed examples I'm starting to see that there really is no one pattern.

I think it started with 150 players grouped and possibly printed based on ink layers required, players were added and removed throughout the print job, some only made it on to a few sheets near the end of each run (Plank) and thats why they are short printed.

Over the years as the series progressed more players/cards added, swapped in and out..a few sheets printed with each configuration and sent over to the back printing station with really no rhyme or reason. "Hey Joe, send this stack of sheets to the Hindu red press and these sheets to AB no Frame".

I really doubt that it was all pre-calculated out (500+ cards) and followed to a T....these were factory workers doing thousands of jobs.....I think the printers took the new plates (in blocks) and loaded them up, printed a few runs and mixed it up when new blocks of players came. Some blocks only a few sheets were run and then swapped out. No thought to how many of each to print etc.

This doesnt mean that we cant figure out sheet mates based on miscuts, back scratches, ghosts and test prints. I just don't think there is a magic #/pattern to it all.

I do think that the 460 series cards were all done on a 34 card sheet with multiple vertical stacks of players. The groups I've put together all add up to this #, and I think that smaller blocks of players were swapped out (possibly in blocks of 3-6) players for a few sheets here and there.

Maybe one sheet was run with a 6 block of your Exclusive 12 (only half or maybe even only 3) swapped out instead of the super prints for a few sheets and we see these super rare UZIT combos.

As for the test prints, why are there only these 12? Maybe a test print was done on your Exclusive 12 with most ink layers on a sheet that the other side was used to layout other cards.

I'm not sure sir....but fun to think about.
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