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Old 05-21-2013, 10:07 AM
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Bryan M1ll3r
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Seattle
Posts: 239

Originally Posted by Bored5000 View Post
The SABR profile of Titus makes him sound as fascinating as the mustache makes him look. LOL. Titus was seldom seen without his trademark toothpick, and its mere presence in his mouth served to infuriate other players. Opposing pitchers soon noticed a "tell" when Titus was about to swing at a pitch by how he would move the toothpick around in his mouth. Despite being at a disadvantage while batting due to the "tell," Titus steadfastly refused to ditch the toothpick.

If the T-206 card would have included a toothpick in Titus' mouth, the coolness factor would have been impossible to measure.

Titus was also derisively known as "Tight Ass" for his spending habits and his policy of saving every paycheck from the entire season, then cashing them all at once. Titus also married his 17-year-old neighbor when he was 39 years old.

Check out the SABR profile of Titus; it's an interesting read.
I was trying to find a site with profiles of more obscurce players. That SABR site is perfect! Thanks.
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