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Old 04-20-2013, 11:06 AM
thehoodedcoder thehoodedcoder is offline
Kevin Qui.nn
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 780

Originally Posted by Theo_450 View Post
I know something about printing and printers because of my line of work. It seems the area between where the hat goes from red to white is at a strange angle to the X, Y matrix that printers operate on (even if the paper was not loaded entirley squarely). Shifts on mass (registration problems) are easily noticable. In my humble opinion, this looks like some sort of pen marking.

That being said, I have not held the card, and examined it to any where near the degree the buyer has, so my opinion is just my opinion.

I would also like to say that I am pleased that you decided to keep the card, because that means YOU LIKE IT! And that is what really counts!
Im having a hard time visualizing what you mean. I also done have the cad with me. I'm on my iPhone following the girlfriend around Costco.

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