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Old 04-12-2013, 04:26 PM
thehoodedcoder thehoodedcoder is offline
Kevin Qui.nn
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 780
Default blue ink

the card is definitely real.

im not convinced yet that it has been messed with in its entirity.

there are places where the red ink you are seeing appears to be under the blue ink on the uniform but its hard to tell.... as well as appearing to be the same the other colors on the hand.

the red hat makes it tough to swallow. i don't claim to be an expert and am in fact not but i have looked a cards under a loupe before.

what about the blue ink on the uniform? do you think that is real? why would someone ad blue in to the card in a fashion that it is applied. you would have to get in there with a microscope to do it. the blue ink is clearly a shading/embelishment color on the uniform.

im not on here trying to convince you that its real. that is not the point. i came on to get open minded opinions.

side note the name is not messed with. it is curled up on the edge so you can't see the letters. to your point about the face, no. they don't have red ink. they have flesh color on the face. the face on the red hat card is definitely red ink. same thing with the hand and all of the other places i pointed out.


Last edited by thehoodedcoder; 04-12-2013 at 04:40 PM.
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