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Old 03-27-2013, 08:57 PM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
Posts: 8,158

Originally Posted by Sean View Post
I have to sit at the computer and make a bid with about 8 seconds to go in the auction. There are people here who are much more experienced than me, so maybe they know of some way to set up a program to snipe. I can't help with that.
There are services that will do it for some small fee.

I've always done it manually. With a fast connection I can get within the last 5 seconds or so, closer if I don't get anxious.

Besides, if I used a service and bid on everything I wanted I'd be broke in an hour.

I don't usually look at bidding patterns. I used to on bike parts because there were a couple japanese bidders that I knew I could never outspend. I finally saw a couple pictures of one of those collections. Impressive, but not as impressive as a 2 car garage in Tokyo. Bikes on one side nice car on the other, Ferrari on the lift above the first car.

A group of minimal bids in a row wouldn't be intimidating, or really all that interesting. The ones I worry about are the lone low bid in the first few days with a followup by the same bidder the next day. That usually lets me know that someone else has spotted the same thing I have (Usually a stamp with an expensive variety that wasn't listed as such) And that they've looked it up - That means I probably won't win it cheap.

Steve B
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