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Old 03-26-2013, 06:26 PM
martindl martindl is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 99

Originally Posted by Big Six View Post
You are correct...I know that he is both worshiped and reviled over there and his impact has been felt by many...though the same could be said for actions taken by those on the other side. I fear the personal impact on you was likely negative and I can only express my regrets for what you likely experienced. For such a beautiful country, it has dealt with many horrible events over the decades and I'm happy that things seem to be in much better order than they were even 15 years ago when I lived over there...
I'm over here, though was in the UK until I moved here at 22 in 1981. The Birmingham and Coventry bombings in the early 70's caused great hurt. My lifetime goal is to hold no animosity, though it's hard, really hard.

I've no dog in the fight, I get both sides. I grew up and lived in Coventry and spent most of my youth in the Irish quarter, so to speak. I had staunch provo friends and staunch loyalists friends both, and as much as they all tried to make it a big deal, the troubles never made much sense to me personally. I always respected both points of view because if you'd never been in those peoples' shoes, how can you judge?

It's deeper than that really; I lost people that I loved, though the anger left me years ago. As you say, thank God things are so much better now.
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