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Old 03-20-2013, 01:02 PM
tolstoi tolstoi is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default usps

I get a little worried about a lot of the recent stories I have read but I did have a card I bought off ebay from a somewhat reputable seller never show up. It was frustrating and the dc said it had been delivered...My fiance had purchased it for my birthday and tried to surprise me and was devastated. The seller was a jerk to her and unfortunately because the package said it had been delivered there was no resolution through ebay or the post office.

Usually my father in law is helpful about searching for lost packages through the post office since he works there. Now, the post office includes tracking on all packages and if you know someone who works there and are very nice, they just might look it up for you w/o having to pay for the dc#...not recommended though because you have to wait till there is a problem before you can do anything.
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