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Old 03-18-2013, 06:45 PM
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Ken Madden
Ken.neth D. M@dden
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Little Egypt
Posts: 577

I don't want to get off topic, but I couldn't help notice in reading about this case that Ms. Steinhagen's family and friends realized she was not well and they "tried" to get her to get help. I know from personal experience that trying is not enough. YOU GET THEM HELP! God forbid that anyone here would have to deal with such a thing, but I had a close relative and one of my very best friends develop schizophrenia in their late teens. I was like everybody else for a long time. Try to ignore it or make them try to see they need help. Doesn't work. I was having a conversation with one of them one day and I got so alarmed over the things they were saying that I called the police. 15 minutes later two officers were on the scene talking to both of us. They readily saw there was a problem and within an hour the person was hospitalized. Both my family member and my friend suffered through a lot of hospitalizations and medications, but they both came out on the other side and are leading pretty healthy, happy lives. Sorry if that is preachy, but mental illness is not something to ignore.
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