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Old 03-14-2013, 11:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Ease View Post
Thanx for that link Clayton, I'd never heard of that. I'm sure you understand that many of those scumbags, though, are too far gone, and no amount of help or rehabilitation will help.
You're welcome Eric, thanks for reading it.

And yes, I do understand that many are too far gone, or flat out don't want help. I honestly don't have much sympathy for those types. I just think there should be more to it than locking people up, and then returning them to the streets full of hatred toward society with no skills or hope. I mean, where's the common sense in this. Punishment is one thing, but rehabilitation and opportunity has to play into it otherwise you don't change anything.

Sincerely, Clayton

* Edit to add: I am currently reading a book called "Education Of A Felon" written by a man named Edward Bunker. I am about halfway through the book, and it is one of the most intense books I've read (so far). It was a Los Angeles Times Best Book Of The Year and won a few awards.

Edward Bunker tells his life story.He played Mr.Blue in Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs. So far I can say it's worth reading, this guy has been through hell but obviously became a productive member of society. Check it out if you can.

Last edited by teetwoohsix; 03-14-2013 at 11:55 AM.
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