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Old 02-13-2013, 06:31 PM
rajah424 rajah424 is offline Gil.bert
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Santa Clara
Posts: 423
Default Probstein


I decided to sell things that were extra or no longer fit what i collected. I had heard good things/success stories about Rick on the CU forums so i gave it a shot.

I did feel that Ricks auctions got more attention and interest than others. However looking back at the 3 auctions that were bought and resold within a 2week period i noticed that one person won 2 of them and didn't even bid in Rick's auction 2 weeks prior. Maybe this person didn't see Ricks auction, wasn't intersted in the cards at the time or just didn't want to deal with Rick. I don't know but seems odd, does prove to me that Rick will not always get the best return.
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