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Old 02-13-2013, 05:57 PM
rajah424 rajah424 is offline Gil.bert
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Santa Clara
Posts: 421
Default Probstein


Yes, Rick got a consignment fee. Some of the cards i consigned went for less than i hoped but a few went for more. Overall, i'm okay with what i cleared. I realize that i might be able get more if i sold them myself but there are several reasons i chose to consign - the time involved to list which i guess could be considered lazy but the main reason is not wanting to deal with scammers and ebays policies of always taking the buyers side. I also feel Rick gets more interest in his bids then i would.

I have sold a few things lately on the BST, i could be naive but i feel it is a safe option. Most of the things i have sold this way have sold very quickly though so i feel i might have listed too low and left money on the table, something a auction format might have avoided. I have consigned some cards to Sterling for their next auction hoping to see if the result are better.

Would i consign to Rick again? I'm not sure, but if i don't it will be because i found a more profitable alternative not because i don't trust him.
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