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Old 02-12-2013, 02:42 PM
tschock tschock is offline
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Originally Posted by Leon View Post
It seems everyone has a good time at them even though last year I had to act like an arse and ask folks to be courteous and not have conversations while our speakers were speaking. After I get a few (too many) beers in me I can be a real dic*.
Please, no need to apologize for this. It's one thing to make the occasional comment/question to a table-mate while someone is speaking. Another thing altogether when I have to listen to someone 2-3 tables away (who is louder than the speaker) droning on-and-on about something unrelated while the guest is speaking. Even if you're not interested, at least have the common courtesy to allow OTHERS to listen.

If people have to be reminded about this, YOU aren't the one acting like an arse.

BTW... last year's Net54 dinner was great. Thanks!
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