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Old 01-30-2013, 11:24 PM
Plinvestments Plinvestments is offline
Perry Lin
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 140

Originally Posted by travrosty View Post
this statement is wrong on so many levels, its ridiculous.

psa and jsa dont hire people who know autographs to authenticate, they hire them for marketing purposes. psa hires autograph runners who are well connected into the ebay and storefront markets, not for their experience in knowing and authenticating autographs.

these people they hire are connected into the "on the street" market and have many contacts and psa wants them to bring in business. knowing the autograph is secondary.

steve grad "in person autograph runner"
zach rullo "in person autograph runner"
kevin low "in person autograph runner"
brian sobrero " in person autograph runner" who once tripped tiger woods and sprained tiger's knee due to over-aggresive pursuit of woods autograph.

thse guys are not replaced. wny? because the customers are not aware they are doing harm. its a "trust me, i know what i am doing and that autograph is (good/no good)",

there is no auditing function. a money market fund has hard outcomes that are quantifiable, you either lose money or make it, and decide to change funds. that is why you dont have to know the name of the fund manager, he will be retained or fired based on their results.

now people will say that psa and jsa are doing a good job because the autographs are accepted on ebay and auction houses. but they are erroneously assuming that auction houses and ebay know good autographs from bad. they say that because others accept the certs, that they must be good. but others say the same thing. It's a case of both parties relying on the others acceptance to justify how good the tpa is doing, but neither is doing any inspection, it's circular logic, but no meat in the sandwich.

name a customer of psa and jsa who quantifies the results of the authentications they get and decides to continue with that company based on that? no one does. it's quite the opposite, many people tell me that they know psa and jsa aren't very good, but ebay accepts the certs and it is what others want so they just go along with the "Game".

i have said all along you can either get a psa or jsa cert, or you can find out if the autograph is real.

the customer doesnt really know if that autograph is good or bad if it has a psa or jsa cert. they are just going along with what psa or jsa says. there is no consumer reports for autographs that can compare, audit, and give results.

psa and jsa expertise is NOT pretty good. it is lacking in many areas. Pretty good is not good enough. Getting it right MOST of the time is not good enough.

51% accuracy is good enough? That's most of the time.

flipping a coin is 50%, and it's free. they need to be right all the time minus a very miniscule amount of human error. obviously you havent seen the nine trillion examples we have been posting over the last 4 years.

i hope you expect more competancy from your gas line installer, your brake mechanic, your day care provider.
We agree to disagree on the level of competence of the tpas. Are you saying psa or jsa is equal to global or morales or ace? For the shear number of autos they look at, their record is pretty good, probably over 95%. You're saying they are wrong half the time? There are 781 psa mantles. Pick out the 380 that you think they got wrong.
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