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Old 01-30-2013, 07:53 AM
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RichardSimon RichardSimon is offline
Richard Simon
Join Date: May 2009
Location: New York City
Posts: 5,425

I have a couple of thousand people on my mailing list.
I have sold thousands of autographs through my mailing list. It is my main source of business.
Many members of Net54 are members of my list and many have bought great items and many have been disappointed by missing out on great items, sorry guys most things I have are only one of a kind and you have to be quicker on the trigger .
In all the time that I have done this, I have only twice been asked if an item came with a TPA COA and that was from two totally new members of my list.
People who know me, know that I do not use TPA's and yet they have great trust in me.
The people who know me know that I would not try to sell an Ed "Delehanty" letter or try to sell two George W. Bush autopen letters that I had at the same time for easy comparison.
Find the experienced and knowledgeable dealers and auction houses and stick with them.
Sign up & receive my autograph price list. E mail me,, with your e mail. Sports,entertainment,history.
Here is a link to my online store. Many items for sale. 10% disc. for 54 members. E mail me first.
"I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure."- Clarence Darrow

Last edited by RichardSimon; 01-30-2013 at 08:14 AM.
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