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Old 01-27-2013, 10:22 PM
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Originally Posted by 70ToppsFanatic View Post
There are many like-minded, great people here and over on the CU boards. Sadly, there are always a few people in every bunch that allow the anonymity of the internet to go to their head and we start to see personal attacks and all sorts of unnecessary ugliness. It will never be completely eliminated, but my faith is in the vast majority of decent people who know how to behave in a civilized manner.



Very well said.

IMO, the PSA boards are actually stronger than ever now that they've laid down the law on proper behavior. Basically act like an adult and you'll be treated as such - same as on here, or any board for that matter.

I'm still very much contributing there and I simply want to augment my own fun with this hobby by posting here also. I think there will be some, particularly those who got in trouble with CU or kicked off, that will be badmouthing PSA here ... that's to be expected. But in general, most people there and here seem to have a degree of decency to them that I think will keep this hobby fun.
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