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Old 12-30-2012, 10:29 AM
esd10 esd10 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: baltimore oh
Posts: 792
Default assault weapon ban again

i have been very nervous about the goverment trying to take away are second ammendment right to bare arms. the problem is the goverment and bleading hearts want to blame the wrong thing instead of looking at the real problem with our horrible mental health servous. i'm a father of a 2 almost 3 year old and i feel for those familys who have lost there children to that maniac from a senceless act of violence but a firearm is a tool nothing else a firearm doesnt go off bye itself unless someone has to pull the trigger and loads it. there are a bunch of law abbiding citizens in this country with so called assault weapons and you never hear about them because they dont do stupid horrible things with them and follow all laws and regulations and the goverment is trying to take away are rights to own the type of rifle or pistol we want to own. i want to know what you board members think about this issue and like i said guns dont kill people people kill people no mater if its a gun or a hammer or a ballbat.
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