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Old 12-27-2012, 08:46 PM
Bestdj777 Bestdj777 is offline
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Thank you for your reply. I am assuming that this card belongs to you? If so, I hope I did not offend you with my assessment of the price. The card is obviously worth whatever someone is willing to pay you for it, and I wish you all the best with your sale.

I am curious as to what makes you think that this is a newly discovered variation though? I've spoken with other collectors on the board with extensive post collections who are certain there are only three variations: 1) 153 hits, 2) 163 hits, 4th time in, and 3) 163 hits, 4th time. I have never seen another "163 hits, 4th time" card apart from the one you have listed. Do you have another that you compared yours to? If so, I would love to see it. The type 3 you linked to, is actually a "153 hits" variation. I believe I messaged the seller to confirm, as it is difficult to distinguish between a 5 and 6 in scans of these cards. Please don't take these comments as offensive or rude, just really trying to nail down what variations actually exist. Before your listing, I was not even 100% convinced a "163 hits, 4th time" variation actually existed.
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