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Old 12-27-2012, 03:14 PM
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Sean Brennan
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Originally Posted by nolemmings View Post
The reason I guessed 1909 is that the caps were all white with no stripe that year, and the '08 uniforms show a stripe on the cap. The insignia is indeterminate to me, but looks more like the swooping '09 "C" than the more intricate example from the prior year.

Jim, if you believe the "pitcher" is the one with the insignia showing, then do you also believe it is the catcher doing the chasing? I can't get my head around that for reasons stated, i.e. no gear. If it's not the catcher doesn't it either have to be the 1B or a pitcher, with the guy facing the camera a 3b or SS? By the way, I disagree with Sean on that player being Cy Young-- he looks too baby-faced to be that grizzled old hurler.

A rundown like this is not a common play, especially with no other runners on base, which I think we can assume from the lack of attention being shown anywhere else. The batter either reached and rounded too far, got picked off or somehow the batter was retired at first and this shows a prior base-runner after the force has been removed. If that is Stovall on the right then maybe an OF threw behind the batter after a single that Stovall tried to play, which would explain why he would be out of position for the rundown. The other scenarios should not have him where he is shown, should they?
Look at that gut! Lol. Cy Young all the way
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