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Old 12-24-2012, 08:51 AM
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JimStinson JimStinson is offline
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Default JimStinson

I would guess not. Also something to be careful of is the "Compliments of" , This would often times indicate the item was being presented as a gift from but not nessesarily signed by the celebrity or athlete themselves.

Particularly true with old photos especially cabinet photos which at the time had FAR more value than the autograph so the photo was presented as a gift from, thus "compliments of".

In the case of the ball at the time it was presented and in the context of the time it had MORE value than the autograph, The ball may have been worth a couple bucks, the autograph nothing.

All that being said even if the ball were authentic due to condition its not going to be worth a heck of alot. Hope this helps
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