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Old 12-19-2012, 02:28 PM
David W David W is offline
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Originally Posted by D. Bergin View Post
I'll admit the show had a brief allure for me. I thought for about 3 minutes of looking for a storage auction to attend............and then I thought to myself..........but how am I going to get rid of all the garbage in each unit I win?......and remembered my town dump charges like two hundred bucks a pickup truck load for "bulk disposal", to discourage contractors from dumping their loads there.

A peaceful feeling entered my body, and I never considered it again.

I attended some auctions 5 years before this show ever hit, and my feelings were exactly like yours - They should pay me to put this junk in the dumpster, not the other way around. There were about 20 units, most were pure garbage, some did not sell.

There was however one unit completely packed to the top and back that had a snow mobile in it that went for close to $1000, so someone could have gotten a deal.
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