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Old 12-14-2012, 05:30 PM
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Sean Brennan
Join Date: May 2009
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Originally Posted by Lordstan View Post
Ok. So here are my latest additions.
Pretty pumped.
Also a very good lesson in patience.

In May, during Henry Yee's last ayction, many of you may remember that I bid and lost out on both the Dolph Camilli and KiKi Cuyler signed 1934 Goudeys. The Kuyler went for >$1900 and the Camilli for >$200.

Now I was really pissed about losing the Cuyler, as I had never seen one prior and was sure there couldn't be too many of these around. The Camilli made me mad because, really, who spends over $200 on a Dolph Camilli auto?

One of the most valuable lessons my father taught me about collecting is to be patient. He would point out that very few things are truly one of a kind. If you've seen one, another will come up in the future.

He is correct again and as it turned out I didn't have to wait another 20yrs to find them. Plus I saved about $400 combined as compared to the prices of the ones in May.

Last month I picked up Camilli.

A couple of weeks ago I won this Cuyler in the Collect Auction auction.

BTW, I have to send a huuuuge thank you to the wife for allowing me to get the Kuyler as a combined Birthday/Christmas present. Did I mention that I really love her?

With these 2, I am now at 75 out of 96. Not too bad for an 80yr old set.

Way to go Mark!
That Camilli is nice. i got one signed back in the day but you got a period autograph on it and I doubt there are very many like that.
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