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Old 12-01-2012, 10:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Runscott View Post
Seriously? "Who", after all the discussions we've had, after the book that was written, etc, etc, could possibly have had a bit of doubt? Name this person, and then tell me how this doubt was possible.
Seriously. Me.

After reading the book "The Card" a couple of times, I still had reservations.

The grainy black and white photo of the card in it's "un-trimmed" state was convincing, but I couldn't wrap my brain around the logic of cutting up the only known sheet (with a Wagner and a Plank!!)of T206's into singular cards, thinking it would make him more money. And, that was the given scenario in the book, that it was cut from a sheet. I felt someone with as much knowledge about cards would've instantly known the signifigance of this "sheet", and how valuable it would've been in it's entirety. I would think far more valueable than broken down into single cards.

Now, if it wasn't cut from a sheet, or strip, I could see why he trimmed it;for financial gain. But, to cut up a sheet? Don't get that. *Not saying trimming it is right, I would've left it alone*

So, I had doubts. And, I have no problem admiting it. Based on it being cut from a sheet.

Sincerely, Clayton
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