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Old 11-24-2012, 05:11 PM
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Originally Posted by bobbyw8469 View Post
I can only speak from personal experience. I got a low DSR one time from a competing seller. He bought my card really cheap via auction format (1959 Roger Maris PSA 7) and then listed it thru his store for around $60 more. He dinged me with 1's for shipping charge if memory serves me right, and the ironic thing is, as a seller, he charges the EXACT same shipping charge as me!!

I file that under COMPETITION STAR DINGING - where a card seller tries to drive a smaller card seller out of business by reducing his profit margin. Without the 20% discount, a seller with thinner profit margins to begin with, might easily turn away from Ebay once they lose that discount.
Back when I used to monitor my star scores, I had had the same experience from "competition" from time to time. In some cases, it was possible to report the buyer and have the star scores removed. Now, with the required 1-day turnaround on shipping and a couple other reasons I won't get into, eBay has made it impossible for me to get the fee discount, so I no longer monitor my star scores.

When I did keep up with them, and drill down to find out who left the low scores, I would block those who didn't have a legitimate complaint or were repeat offenders. In one case, a guy messaged me to ask why he was blocked from bidding on my items. I told him flat out, "because you left low star scores with no communication of any problem, and if that is how you conduct yourself, I'd be better off not having you as a customer." He replied that he was sure he had left me positive feedback (he had, but dinged me on the stars). I agreed, his visible feedback comment was positive, but that I knew he had left low star scores. His reply was not to deny having done so, but to ask how I knew.

Bottom line: When people think nobody is watching or that they are truly anonymous, their true nature will show. Not every buyer you deal with will be honorable or leave honest, unbiased feedback or ratings.

If you see the same person doing it repeatedly, you're best off just blocking them from bidding. Otherwise, report every one that you can figure out to eBay, and some of the dings may be removed if they see it is a pattern with that buyer. Mostly though, you just have to have thick skin and press on.
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