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Old 10-28-2012, 09:03 AM
Al C.risafulli's Avatar
Al C.risafulli Al C.risafulli is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Kingston, NY
Posts: 874

Hi everyone!

Thanks so much for all the positive feedback, and for helping our first auction be such a great success for us. It has been an absolute blast.

For those wondering, I'm hoping to get to work on invoices later today and finish early Monday. I do have the small matter of Hurricane Sandy to take care of, however - being in New Jersey, it's going to hit us square in the jaw when it makes landfall, and I've been unable to spend much time preparing for it since I've been working so hard on the auction!

Once I've got my hatches battened, I'll be racing to get invoices out and packages shipped as quickly as possible, as the power is going to fail and they're suggesting it might be out for a week or more!

Everyone stay safe and dry, and thank you for participating in our inaugural auction!

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