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Old 10-16-2012, 04:53 PM
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glchen glchen is offline
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If the TPG in question is PSA, they are very backlogged right now even for loggage. I sent in a submission that was confirmed delivered by the Postal Service on Friday, October 5th, and I only received loggage today. I called PSA yesterday, and they said that they were 1-1/2 weeks behind for loggage. And lo, I received loggage today. Not sure if that was just a coincidence or if the call helped. Therefore, if your confirmation is only Oct 10th, then you might want to wait another week or so. In the meantime, it would still be good to find out who signed for the package.

On the other side, my wife recently purchased a cell phone from ebay (after she broke her current one) for around $150, so no sig confirm was needed for the package. The package was shown delivered by the Post Office, but we never received it. We talked to the Post Office, and they could only tell us it was some temp who delivered mail that day and not our usual postman. We figured it was lost, and she ended up buying another phone from the same ebay seller at a discount, when two weeks later, one of our neighbors showed up saying that he had gotten the package, and just hadn't gotten around to giving it to us!
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