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Old 10-09-2012, 06:56 PM
Rob D. Rob D. is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 3,422

It makes total sense that bogus printing freaks and fake "scrap" are the scammers' best friends right now. As recently as two years ago, a majority of collectors who now salivate over T206 oddities would have turned up their noses at them. But now, those oddities are the flavor of day/month/year, so everyone wants one, which means you have a lot of uneducated buyers who really don't know what they're buying.

When you add into the mix that most legitimate printing oddities are one-of-a-kind, it makes it easier for card doctors to turn out more "unique" examples to unload on the unsuspecting. Because of the high prices that printing freaks and their brethren bring, you have the perfect storm for fraud.
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