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Old 10-02-2012, 08:33 AM
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And.rew Whi.te
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Southern Wisconsin/Northern Illinois
Posts: 1,388

Like others have said I probably would not buy any modern and stick with vintage. I have been collecting since I was 8 years old (I am now 48) and have bought and sold my collection many times over the years. My one regret was not getting into pre-war before the big boom started. I can remember going to shows, which were few and far between during the 70's, and talking with old timers who were selling T cards for a buck a piece. I bought a few just to say I had them but was focused on the cards I could buy at the local dime store. I can only imagine what I could have bought if I was focused on the pre-war cards at that time.

Now I collect mainly the sets I put together as a kid, early 70's Topps as well as a few other 50's sets that catch my eye such as the Dormand post card set. I would love to do pre-war but my budget will not allow it at this time. If I could do it all over again I dont think i would have sold most of the older cards I accumulated. I had a great collection that included Topps sets from 1962 forward as well as many nearly complete 1950's Topps sets. These were all sold when I felt the time was right and the money was good but I misjudged it by about 5 years! Does anyone think I can give Kit Young his money back and get my vintage sets returned to me that I sold to him in 1983? LOL
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