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Old 10-01-2012, 10:28 PM
boxingcarddigest boxingcarddigest is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 60
Default The things you find when you aren't looking for them...

I went down to an antique shop today that I visit every few months as the guy has a nice collection of cigarette cards. I've pretty much cleaned him out of his boxing over the years and today was visiting to look for something for somebody else. While there I asked to see his card folders as I was flipping through I found this little gem:

It's Ogdens, which generally are pretty common, but this is from their 1900 Tab General Interest "Item 95" set. I have seen footballers from this set, but I have never seen a boxer. In the years I was completing my type card set, I looked for this card, all to no avail.

Either I wasn't looking hard enough in the right places, or this thing is tough to find.

Whatever, it's now mine and will slot nicely into my type card collection

I found this info on google. Item 95 General interest-similar "Tabs" C.201-300 series. This series comprises 76 stage artistes,41 celebrities,56 footballers and 23 miscellaneous cards (and most of these appear to be cyclists).

I'll have to read my English boxing card book to see this checklist when I get home.
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