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Old 09-25-2012, 07:50 PM
mrvster mrvster is offline
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Default blue om

alot of great answers so far......another found would legitimize it possibly....i don't feel this is a 50 k plus card......i find brown om much more appealing , since brown om are actual printers scrap....if this was a hand cut card, i would put it at 25 k or better......if blue om were comparable to brown om and other examples were found, especially hand cut as if off a sheet the printer was experimenting with ink, then the skys the limit...

but, that is not the case with this card...

i put it at 5k-10k purely as a curiousity

.....why has it been held a secret for this long????????????

i'm not feeling this one ....through my ignorance with it... please forgive me, and in all due just doesn't" do it for me".....

only one man 's opinion, and you know what they say about those

Kevin, wish you all the luck with this card...i dont know the seller but wish him luck also....

Please let us know what the hammer is!! don't hold out
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