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Old 09-14-2012, 06:28 AM
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Jason Stricker
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Virginia
Posts: 2,235

Originally Posted by Jlighter View Post
Could be wrong, but I think the swastikas are facing the wrong way.
Historically, swastikas were drawn in both left facing and right facing designs. It's been used in religion, specifically Indian relgions such as Hinduism, for thousands of years. The symbol means 'to be good', but was sometimes viewed as 'good luck'. There are plenty of archaeological examples of the swastika pointing in both directions, many times in the same piece of artwork, such as a tiled floor. When the Nazi party adopted the symbol around 1920, they used a right facing swastika and for most in the Western world, the meaning and symbolism changed to hatred and disgust.
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