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Old 08-31-2012, 12:42 PM
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Edwolf1963 Edwolf1963 is offline
Ed Woelfle
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Buckeye, AZ
Posts: 1,171
Default Same issue

I have have had similar experiences, but haven't written about it (until now )

PSA, to me, is like an overpriced restaurant with bad food and service - I just stopped going. Whether it's late return of cards (and more than a few days), my order shipped to wrong person/address (that did happen once), crap grading (IE: 5's w/paper loss), or Customer Service that ranks up there with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in warmth and friendliness, it all rolls up to the same thing. They don't care about you or your experience using them - - "you don't like it..? Too bad, go elsewhere then."

I get it, their actions speak volumes to this.

Last submission I specifically asked for no qualifiers and was told "not a problem, just note it on the submission form" She even said it was a common request (big surprise), but warned it could drop the numerical grade up to 2. Fine.

Get the cards back, 3 had qualifiers - wrote to Cust Svc asking why and noting the submission form. No response for a week. Wrote again, then was told they are "looking into it" and "would advise me of" their "decision" Thanks Judge Judy

Get an email week later that said they would regrade two of them, but one of them no, they won't regrade with no explanation as to why. No explanation on that or why any of them had qualifiers to begin with given the instructions and confirmation? On the two they would change - I had to document why, put those two on separate submission form, separate shipment, attach email documentation of their ruling, note some specific codes and instructions on the form, I would be responsible for shipping .. it went on but I stopped reading it about that point. Unbelievable trash. It got the time and consideration it deserved - they same amount they put into it. I sent a cancellation email (along with a brief note as to what they can do with themselves).

That was it for me, enough of of the lousy food, lousy service, overpriced restaurant - enough of PSA.

Last edited by Edwolf1963; 08-31-2012 at 02:12 PM.
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