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Old 08-13-2012, 09:05 AM
Jlighter Jlighter is offline
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Originally Posted by E93 View Post
I say keep it private. IMHO the personal attacks and fighting on the board just harm the board anyway and drive people away. It keeps people from posting on even the benign threads out of fear of what it will become. I think there is way too much personal stuff and fighting already and any attempt to scale it back is a good thing for the community. I have heard so many really knowledgeable and level-headed people who could make a great contribution here tell me that it is just not worth it for these reasons.

That said, though I would presume privacy, I would not write anything in an email or PM that I would not be comfortable with others seeing. People just don't respect privacy anymore.

I disagree in a certain respect for the personal arguments. Some arguments are needed, ones that bring attention to certain issues in our beloved hobby. Even the personal attacks sometimes are like a train wreck, hard to watch, but you can't turn away.
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