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Old 08-10-2012, 01:41 PM
travrosty travrosty is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
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Originally Posted by TyrusRCobb View Post
I was turned on to AML last night by Mr. Zipper (Thanks again.) as a good site for a new collector. I must admit that I find the format confusing. As a resource for building my knowledge base should I focus on the blogs, articles or chat room? My apologies in advance If I'm missing something glaringly obvious on AML.

If you want to build your knowledge base about autographs, just skip the whole site, your knowledge will quickly devolve as disinformation abounds and 'everyone' is an expert and there is no way to learn anything there except who is friends with who and what speech and topics are allowed and which ones are not.

There is no free speech over there, you tow the company line or you are out, and a lot of good, important information is banned from the site just because the owner is also the moderator.

He pushes his own agenda , will ban certain discussions about autographs on a wholesale level and his self-serving line of thinking dictates that any autograph you have should be authenticated by his friends, and sold at his friends auction, so they can all take a taste of the profits and if you are not in lockstep, then heaven help you. Don't waste your time over there.

Take it from someone who knows and don't listen to any private message anyone sends to you trying to discredit me because I have nothing to hide. The people who are in the know are eventually banned from that site for telling the truth.

I have seriously never seen a more sorry and worthless site in my opinion for autographs. People cannabilizing each other constantly and threatening people and to what end? So a few can break their arms patting themselves on the back.

Last edited by travrosty; 08-10-2012 at 01:44 PM.
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