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Old 08-09-2012, 06:38 PM
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Greg Schwartz
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 1,219

Thanks for the call and the posts. I know I said I would reply to you directly but since I started this here I figure it was best to continue it here. I wanted to address a couple of things in your posts.

All of us have done things in our past which we are not particularly proud of so I am not judging you. My posts were trying to point out that your past is going to make it tough for you to be trusted, at least initially. Maybe you have had changes in your life that have made you re-evaluate your past and now you are going to do things the right way. I suppose time will tell. It is easy for you to write off what happened at SAH sitting on piles of cash you made by repeatedly misrepresenting product. Maybe without youtube videos you can forget what you did but what about those who you stuck with worthless junk cards? Many of those people are fathers of sons and daughters, as you are now. You are now coming back to the very hobby you deceived and are asking for us to support you. How do we know if 10 years from now we will not read your posts about your auction company in which you state, “That is how it was done”?

And finally, you wrote “100% of the certs that are REAL and have the name 'ken goldin' have this mark. If it does not have the mark, and has the facsimile of Ken goldin, it is a fake cert. SB did not publicize this fact because it wanted to stay 1 step ahead of the forgers.” If protecting the public is the purpose or intent of issuing LOAs then was it in the public’s best interest to not publicize SB’s had been compromised or was it in your best interest that this information was kept from the public? If you knew a crime was being committed shouldn’t the first step be to stop the crime by alerting everyone?

You can respond if you want to. If Barry Sloate already has your back then I am sure you will do just fine so you need not pay any attention to shelly's, wonka's or my posts.
