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Old 08-06-2012, 05:06 PM
martindl martindl is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 99

Originally Posted by calvindog View Post
Tune in tomorrow as we'll be discussing you again on air. Moral of the story: don't mess with someone who has a radio show with 50,000 listeners in the city in which you work.

PS: in case that isn't clear -- that's 50,000 more people than who have joined and posted in your "T206 Collector Forum."
Good Lord, you really are as big a pr**k in real life as you play on this board, aren't you. Mr. T206 isn't far behind, btw, but it beggars belief, mine anyway, that you're a supposedly highly respected law man and yet you act like you're about eleven years old.

Maybe I shouldn't be so bold as to say anything; don't want mess with the biggest twat on the playground else you'll give me mine too, right.